Ladder Guards from Belt Conveyor Guarding
I really can't say enough great things about these Ladder Guards from Belt Conveyor Guarding. The functionality and ease-of-use of these products simply makes the work environment so much safer.
In 1998, I was working as an engineer for a large food and beverage conglomerate that often utilized temporary staffing and flexible production lines. Quite often entire walls would be shifted, and platform heights would be adjusted to accommodate each shift. While it was an efficient use of a production plant, it also introduced increased safety challenges, especially with ladder access. Instead of incorporating a solution such as Ladder Guards, we elected to install sliding lock ladders, which were extremely expensive. They also posed safety risks, as they were often heavy, and the release systems' performance were often inconsistent.
Ladder Guards would have saved us so much time and money, and increased safety at the same time. Simply give access to those who need it when they need it with a beautifully-engineered, versatile safety tool. You just lift and clamp over the top of a stair rung, and then add optional security by sliding the lock bar through the guard over a rung while adding a padlock or comparable security device.
Keep your solutions simple. Big Rock Mountain is here to help.
Call us with any questions at +1-888-661-0091, or email sales@bigrockmoutain.com.
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